Editors are responsible for supervising the quality of the published content, including the significance, originality, scientific soundness, clarity, and completeness of the title, as well as its relevance to the readership. Editors should also consider whether the research involves ethical issues and whether the publication of the article may harm the interests of readers or the public. It is of paramount importance that editorial decisions remain steadfastly impartial and uninfluenced by the source of the paper, regardless of factors such as the author’s nationality, ethnicity, political affiliations, race, or religion.

Editors will collaborate with in-house editors from the Editorial Offices to explore and cultivate emerging and significant subjects, actively seek in-depth and comprehensive research or review papers, conduct a timely and rigorous peer-review process, and diligently foster the journal’s visibility within the scientific community. We eagerly anticipate the development of these journals into influential platforms for the facilitation of scientific discourse and scholarly publishing.


As the leader, the Editor-in-Chief constitutes the very essence and nucleus of the journal. Their pivotal roles encompass the establishment of the journal’s Editorial Board team and the guidance they provide in shaping the journal's strategic course and trajectory. Editors-in-Chief actively participate in all facets of journal management, upholding its elevated standards. They convene the Editorial team, coordinating the annual Editorial Board meeting (online or offline) to deliberate upon and advance the journal’s undertakings. The Editorial Office will assist in all the above activities. The Editor-in-Chief’s tenure spans a period of five years. We extend a cordial invitation to distinguished senior scientists who embody qualities of leadership, impact, activity, and a keen interest in the realm of scholarly publishing to consider applying for the esteemed position of Editor-in-Chief.

Executive Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editor

The Executive Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editor shall assist and cooperate with the Editor-in-Chief in performing various tasks, including but not limited to inviting and recommending editorial board members, soliciting manuscripts, reviewing submissions, and making final recommendations. They are invited by the Editors-in-Chief and typically serve a term of five years.

Editorial Board

An Editorial Board member’s role is to manage the peer-review process, assess the quality and novelty of the science presented, and identify or solicit thought-provoking papers. Editors make decisions on the submissions based on their own reading, reviews, and associate editor recommendations. They are also responsible for enhancing the journal’s reputation by fostering collaborative relationships between the journal and the scientific community. They typically serve a three-year term.

Youth Editorial Board

The Youth Editorial Board assumes a primary role in providing valuable support to the Editorial Board in upholding the journal’s exemplary standards of publication. Their responsibilities encompass a wide array of tasks, including reviewing submissions, recommending suitable reviewers, inviting high-quality contributions, promoting the journal among the community, and participating in the academic activities organized by journals. The board serves as a platform for emerging scientists, affording them the opportunity to foster communication and collaboration. Additionally, youth members are accorded priority consideration when applying for positions within the Editorial Board.


  1. Get a certificate for the Editor role to recognize your contribution;
  2. Stay at the forefront of the most recent research trends and advancements within your academic field;
  3. Interact with peers, and establish a network for future collaboration;
  4. Get your publication in the journal promoted in the journal platform with high priority;
  5. Gain valuable experience in the scientific publishing landscape.

To be an Editor

If you are interested in being an editor for a GSP journal or recommending a colleague to join, please visit the corresponding journal pages (https://ojs.sgsci.org/) to contact us.